How To Send Push Notifications With JavaScript

推播通知服務是應用程式用來傳送訊息給使用者的技術。您可能已在自己的行動裝置上見到過應用程式通知或提醒快顯。這些是來自應用程式伺服器的通信訊號。發起推播通知者 ...,而看起來UnifiedPush給了一個方案:使用者在Android手機上安裝一隻程式(ntfy),這隻程式可...。參考影片的文章的如下:



推播通知服務是應用程式用來傳送訊息給使用者的技術。您可能已在自己的行動裝置上見到過應用程式通知或提醒快顯。這些是來自應用程式伺服器的通信訊號。發起推播通知者 ...

讓使用者可以自己選擇Push notification service 的UnifiedPush

而看起來UnifiedPush 給了一個方案:使用者在Android 手機上安裝一隻程式(ntfy),這隻程式可以連到使用者指定的伺服器接收push notification (可以是自架或 ...

Apple Push Notification service

Apple Push Notification service (APNs), previously known as Apple Push Service (APS), is a platform notification service created by Apple Inc. that enables ...

Windows Push Notification Services (WNS) overview

The Windows Push Notification Services (WNS) enables third-party developers to send toast, tile, badge, and raw updates from their own cloud ...


Push notifications, email, SMS, Live Activities, and in-app messaging to develop engaged and loyal customers · Everything you're looking for in one platform. Push Notification Preview Tool · Mobile Push Notifications · Web Push Notification

13 Best Push Notification Services & Platforms (2025)

Choose the best push notification service with detailed price and feature comparisons. 1. Brevo 2. PushOwl 3. One Signal 4. Push Engage. What push notification... · The benefits of a push... · Top push notification services


PushEngage is the world's best push notification service that works on both desktop browsers and mobile devices, trusted by 25000+ happy customers!

Tencent Push Notification Service

Tencent Push Notification Service is an efficient and reliable mobile notification service helping you reach and engage with your international users.

What is a Push Notification?

A push notification (also known as a server push notification) is the delivery of information to a computing device from an application server. Reach Users with Push... · How are Push Notifications...


Apple 推播通知服務(英語:Apple Push Notification service,英語:APNs)是蘋果公司於隨iOS 3推出的一項服務。它通過長連接推播技術從第三方應用向蘋果裝置 ...


推播通知服務是應用程式用來傳送訊息給使用者的技術。您可能已在自己的行動裝置上見到過應用程式通知或提醒快顯。這些是來自應用程式伺服器的通信訊號。發起推播通知者 ...,而看起來UnifiedPush給了一個方案:使用者在Android手機上安裝一隻程式(ntfy),這隻程式可以連到使用者指定的伺服器接收pushnotification(可以是自架或 ...,ApplePushNotificationservice(APNs),previouslyknownasApplePushService(APS),isaplatformnoti...